The Wrap

How do I wrap this trip up? Even on the 13-hour bus ride I was still thinking about everything and challenging myself in new ways. This brought the movement alive for me and made it real in the present day. I learned so much and formed so many ideas I’d never realized I could have. I don’t think this will ever leave me and I definitely hope, like the civil rights movement, it won’t end with this first phase, but will keep going. I’m looking forward to implementing all our ideas at Park (look out everyone) and in our broader communities (National Youth March here we come!) I’m going to keep pushing myself. The changes I want to see in the world begin with me and I WILL make them. I hope the connections I made on this trip last and grow even stronger. I know I will forever be grateful to the many people who gave me this opportunity. To the chaperones: thank you, thank you, thank you! To the 31 other kids who made this so special, I seriously love you all and you give me hope fo...