New Faces, New Places

We started today off by visiting Kelly Ingram Park, and walking around a bit before we were able to get into the museum. The museum was super interesting, and I enjoyed the real life exhibits and fragments of important events that they had. I really enjoyed the lunch we had, both the food and the talks, with the three activists Cleopatra Goree, Barbara Mines, and Catherine Burks-Brooks. Though they were all great and have incredible stories, my favorite of those three was Catherine Burks-Brooks. I liked how animated she was, and that she made the talk interactive and more like a classroom environment. Next we drove to Mississippi where we met Roscoe Jones. He was also one of my favorites from today. He was also funny and has a great story. Being one of the students to integrate Meridian High School, and working so closely with the freedom schools, it’s easy to see he really values education. Education is something I also value, so hearing his talk was inspiring for me because it makes me want to make him, and others like him, proud



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